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The Medical Plaza of the Future
Tabitha Ponte, Owner Ponte Health

Medical Plazas are the perfect scenario for driving (perhaps on autopilot) the evolution of Healthcare: small enough to be manageable for two levels of technological advancement and innovation, patient and clinician-focused, yet large enough for analysis and management to serve a population at-large.
We, at Ponte Health, find that the Medical Plaza of the Future should, at minimum:
- Measure and manage place performance.
- Measure and manage patient data.
- Measure and manage care / clinicians data.
- Create actionable outputs from analytics.
- Create synchronicity for all tenants.
- Create synchronicity for all patients.
- Generate, rather than deplete, resources.
- Generate and forecast care trends.
We work with clients (usually the anchor tenant, but at times also investors seeking a stable source of income) to deliver this first-of-its-kind innovation in plaza development and care.
To push health and wellness forward, Medical Plazas have to be designed and constructed for the benefit of both ends, the care recipient and the care giver, but also with the bigger picture in mind:
How does this type of care, this one caregiver and group of caregivers, and this one care recipient and patient micro population play a part in the system in a more global scale?
In positively affecting the Micro, in the Medical Care Plaza of the Future, one can start to steer for the positive affect the Macro that is Healthcare.

Lead Architect Ponte brings to projects over 17 years of experience in both the design and the construction phases, with over 5 of those years positioned in semi-public and public jurisdictional agencies. Educated as both an architect and engineer, plus having been extensively involved in contracts as owner, Ponte brings a well-rounded, nearly unmatched, technical and controls expertise to building project delivery.
At Ponte Health, our delivery team in whole has over sixty years of combined experience in healthcare projects in all stages including master and project planning, architectural and engineering design, delivery and construction, and safety enforcement, also including jurisdictional project reviews and inspections; our expertise includes the American With Disabilities Act (ADA), Agency for Healthcare Administration Guidelines (AHCA), ultrapure water, high radiation shields, area containment, fire protection, medical gas systems, and more.